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It also has many other uses!
Convert fractions to decimals and millimeters and reverse.
(1 INCH = 25.4 MM EXACTLY)
Read from left to right - pick your fraction, decimal, or mm measurement.
Example = convert 1/64" to mm. Find 1/64 and read to the right under mm!
You will see 0.3969 under the mm column.
Another example = convert 0.125 decimal to inches. Look down the decimal column
 until you find 0.125, then follow that line to the left to find 1/8 inches
 or look in the right column for mm!

fraction decimal mm fraction decimal mm fraction decimal mm
1/64 0.0156 0.3969 1 1/64 1.0156 25.7969 2 1/64 2.0156 51.1969
1/32 0.0313 0.7938 1 1/32 1.0313 26.1938 2 1/32 2.0313 51.5938
3/64 0.0469 1.1906 1 3/64 1.0469 26.5906 2 3/64 2.0469 51.9906
1/16 0.0625 1.5875 1 1/16 1.0625 26.9875 2 1/16 2.0625 52.3875
5/64 0.0781 1.9844 1 5/64 1.0781 27.3844 2 5/64 2.0781 52.7844
3/32 0.0938 2.3813 1 3/32 1.0938 27.7813 2 3/32 2.0938 53.1813
7/64 0.1094 2.7781 1 7/64 1.1094 28.1781 2 7/64 2.1094 53.5781
1/8 0.1250 3.1750 1 1/8 1.1250 28.5750 2 1/8 2.1250 53.9750
9/64 0.1406 3.5719 1 9/64 1.1406 28.9719 2 9/64 2.1406 54.3719
5/32 0.1563 3.9688 1 5/32 1.1563 29.3688 2 5/32 2.1563 54.7688
11/64 0.1719 4.3656 1 11/64 1.1719 29.7656 2 11/64 2.1719 55.1656
3/16 0.1875 4.7625 1 3/16 1.1875 30.1625 2 3/16 2.1875 55.5625
13/64 0.2031 5.1594 1 13/64 1.2031 30.5594 2 13/64 2.2031 55.9594
7/32 0.2188 5.5563 1 7/32 1.2188 30.9563 2 7/32 2.2188 56.3563
15/64 0.2344 5.9531 1 15/64 1.2344 31.3531 2 15/64 2.2344 56.7531
1/4 0.2500 6.3500 1 1/4 1.2500 31.7500 2 1/4 2.2500 57.1500
17/64 0.2656 6.7469 1 17/64 1.2656 32.1469 2 17/64 2.2656 57.5469
9/32 0.2813 7.1438 1 9/32 1.2813 32.5438 2 9/32 2.2813 57.9438
19/64 0.2969 7.5406 1 19/64 1.2969 32.9406 2 19/64 2.2969 58.3406
5/16 0.3125 7.9375 1 5/16 1.3125 33.3375 2 5/16 2.3125 58.7375
21/64 0.3281 8.3344 1 21/64 1.3281 33.7344 2 21/64 2.3281 59.1344
11/32 0.3438 8.7313 1 11/32 1.3438 34.1313 2 11/32 2.3438 59.5313
23/64 0.3594 9.1281 1 23/64 1.3594 34.5281 2 23/64 2.3594 59.9281
3/8 0.3750 9.5250 1 3/8 1.3750 34.9250 2 3/8 2.3750 60.3250
25/64 0.3906 9.9219 1 25/64 1.3906 35.3219 2 25/64 2.3906 60.7219
13/32 0.4063 10.3188 1 13/32 1.4063 35.7188 2 13/32 2.4063 61.1188
27/64 0.4219 10.7156 1 27/64 1.4219 36.1156 2 27/64 2.4219 61.5156
7/16 0.4375 11.1125 1 7/16 1.4375 36.5125 2 7/16 2.4375 61.9125
29/64 0.4531 11.5094 1 29/64 1.4531 36.9094 2 29/64 2.4531 62.3094
15/32 0.4688 11.9063 1 15/32 1.4688 37.3063 2 15/32 2.4688 62.7063
31/64 0.4844 12.3031 1 31/64 1.4844 37.7031 2 31/64 2.4844 63.1031
1/2 0.5000 12.7000 1 1/2 1.5000 38.1000 2 1/2 2.5000 63.5000
33/64 0.5156 13.0969 1 33/64 1.5156 38.4969 2 33/64 2.5156 63.8969
17/32 0.5313 13.4938 1 17/32 1.5313 38.8938 2 17/32 2.5313 64.2938
35/64 0.5469 13.8906 1 35/64 1.5469 39.2906 2 35/64 2.5469 64.6906
9/16 0.5625 14.2875 1 9/16 1.5625 39.6875 2 9/16 2.5625 65.0875
37/64 0.5781 14.6844 1 37/64 1.5781 40.0844 2 37/64 2.5781 65.4844
19/32 0.5938 15.0813 1 19/32 1.5938 40.4813 2 19/32 2.5938 65.8813
39/64 0.6094 15.4781 1 39/64 1.6094 40.8781 2 39/64 2.6094 66.2781
5/8 0.6250 15.8750 1 5/8 1.6250 41.2750 2 5/8 2.6250 66.6750
41/64 0.6406 16.2719 1 41/64 1.6406 41.6719 2 41/64 2.6406 67.0719
21/32 0.6563 16.6688 1 21/32 1.6563 42.0688 2 21/32 2.6563 67.4688
43/64 0.6719 17.0656 1 43/64 1.6719 42.4656 2 43/64 2.6719 67.8656
11/16 0.6875 17.4625 1 11/16 1.6875 42.8625 2 11/16 2.6875 68.2625
45/64 0.7031 17.8594 1 45/64 1.7031 43.2594 2 45/64 2.7031 68.6594
23/32 0.7188 18.2563 1 23/32 1.7188 43.6563 2 23/32 2.7188 69.0563
47/64 0.7344 18.6531 1 47/64 1.7344 44.0531 2 47/64 2.7344 69.4531
3/4 0.7500 19.0500 1 3/4 1.7500 44.4500 2 3/4 2.7500 69.8500
49/64 0.7656 19.4469 1 49/64 1.7656 44.8469 2 49/64 2.7656 70.2469
25/32 0.7813 19.8438 1 25/32 1.7813 45.2438 2 25/32 2.7813 70.6438
51/64 0.7969 20.2406 1 51/64 1.7969 45.6406 2 51/64 2.7969 71.0406
13/16 0.8125 20.6375 1 13/16 1.8125 46.0375 2 13/16 2.8125 71.4375
53/64 0.8281 21.0344 1 53/64 1.8281 46.4344 2 53/64 2.8281 71.8344
27/32 0.8438 21.4313 1 27/32 1.8438 46.8313 2 27/32 2.8438 72.2313
55/64 0.8594 21.8281 1 55/64 1.8594 47.2281 2 55/64 2.8594 72.6281
7/8 0.8750 22.2250 1 7/8 1.8750 47.6250 2 7/8 2.8750 73.0250
57/64 0.8906 22.6219 1 57/64 1.8906 48.0219 2 57/64 2.8906 73.4219
29/32 0.9063 23.0188 1 29/32 1.9063 48.4188 2 29/32 2.9063 73.8188
59/64 0.9219 23.4156 1 59/64 1.9219 48.8156 2 59/64 2.9219 74.2156
15/16 0.9375 23.8125 1 15/16 1.9375 49.2125 2 15/16 2.9375 74.6125
61/64 0.9531 24.2094 1 61/64 1.9531 49.6094 2 61/64 2.9531 75.0094
31/32 0.9688 24.6063 1 31/32 1.9688 50.0063 2 31/32 2.9688 75.4063
63/64 0.9844 25.0031 1 63/64 1.9844 50.4031 2 63/64 2.9844 75.8031
1" 1.0000 25.4000 2" 2.0000 50.8000 3" 3.0000 76.2000

To convert decimal fractions of an inch to fractions of an inch.

Take the decimal fraction of feet and divide by 0.08333 (1/12th) and this will give you inches and decimals of an inch.
For example - 6.37 feet. Take the 0.37 feet and divide by 0.0833 = 4.44 inches .
So for 6.37 ft. we can also say 6 ft. -  4.44 in.
Now take the 0.44 in. and round it down to 0.4 which is 4/10"
We can now say 6.37' approximatly equals 6' - 4 4/10"

For fractions of an inch other than tenth's, take the decimal remainder of inches and divide by:
0.125 for the number of eighth's
0.0625 for the number of sixteenth's
0.03125 for the number of thirty-second's
0.015625 for the number of sixty-fourth's, and so on.

For example - 4.382 inches. For eighth's, divide the remainder, 0.382 by 0.125 and the answer is 3.056 so the fraction is a bit over 3 eighth's, therefore the answer ends up as approx. 4 3/8"

Calculators, Tables, Charts for Converting Metric to Imperial and reverse. Downloadable Converter Calculator

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